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"V Pažin"
Modernising University-level EFL Literature Classes (2014)
M. Jošić-Milinović, J. Pažin, Modernising University-level EFL Literature Classes, Linguistics, Culture and Identity in Foreign Language Education, pp. 1361 - 1367, International Burch University, Sarajevo, 2014 -
Authentic Materials in ESP Teaching at the University of Banja Luka (2024)
J. Pažin, S. Maglov, Authentic Materials in ESP Teaching at the University of Banja Luka, XIII International Conference on Social and Technological Development - Proceedings, pp. 627 - 637, 2024 -
Screening performances of abnormal first-trimester ductus venosus blood flow and increased nuchal translucency thickness in detection of major heart defects. (2015-09)
N. Karadzov Orlic, A. Egic, D. Filimonovic, B. Damnjanovic Pazin, Z. Milovanovic, R. Lukic, V. Mandic, I. Joksic, V. Vukomanovic, J. Kosutic, Djuricic S, Z. Mikovic, Screening performances of abnormal first-trimester ductus venosus blood flow and increased nuchal translucency thickness in detection of major heart defects., PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS, Vol. 35, No. 9, pp. 928 - 933, Sep, 2015 -
Multifoetal pregnancies complicated by reversed arterial perfusion: report of four cases (2011)
Mikovic Z, Karadzoв Orlic N, Marinkovic M, Djuricic S, Egic A, Pazin V, Multifoetal pregnancies complicated by reversed arterial perfusion: report of four cases, SRPSKI ARHIV ZA CELOKUPNO LEKARSTVO, Vol. 139, No. 3-4, pp. 233 - 238, 2011 -
Julian Barnes' s Flaubert's Parrot: Biography as Autobiography (2013)
J. Pažin, Julian Barnes' s Flaubert's Parrot: Biography as Autobiography, Folia Linguistica et Litteraria, pp. 183 - 195, 2013 -
Motivation in the ESP Classroom at the University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2020)
J. Pažin, С. Маглов, Motivation in the ESP Classroom at the University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, Vol. 8, No. 7, pp. 313 - 323, 2020 -
Modernising University-level EFL Literature Classes (2014)
J. Pažin, М. Јошић, Modernising University-level EFL Literature Classes, Akbarov A. (ed.). Linguistics, Culture and Identity in Foreign Language Education. Sarajevo: International Burch University, pp. 1361 - 1367, 2014 -
Граматичка компетенција бруцоша Медицинског факултета у Бањој Луци (2018)
Јелена Пажин, Сања Маглов, Граматичка компетенција бруцоша Медицинског факултета у Бањој Луци, Зборник радова са научног скупа Наука и стварност 13-1, pp. 389 - 402, 2018 -
Уређивачки одбор зборника радова (2020-06)
М. Регодић, М. Уљаревић, T. Тркуља, М. Илић, Г. Јаковљевић, Д. Зељић, Д. Папаз, И. Кувач, Ј. Пажин, Уређивачки одбор зборника радова, Међународна конференција "Савремена теорија и пракса у градитељству XIV " - СТЕПГРАД 2020., Универзитет у Бањој Луци, Архитектонско-грађевинско-геодетски факултет, Бања Лука, Босна и Херцеговина, Jun, 2020